Не уверен на сколько точная инфа, но думаю будет интересно: Квест-дроп с НПЦ выглядит так:
Corrupt Sages - Ancient Red Papyrus
Erin Ediunces - Ancient Red Papyrus
Hallate's Inspectors - Ancient Red Papyrus
Platinum Tribe Overlords - Ancient Blue Papyrus
Platinum Guardian Prefects - Ancient Black Papyrus
Messenger Angels - Ancient White Papyrus
Папирусы открываются таким образом:
Ancient Red Papyrus
Ancient Epic, Chapter 1 1,60%
Ancient Epic, Chapter 2 11,20%
Ancient Epic, Chapter 3 8,00%
Ancient Epic, Chapter 4 8,00%
Ancient Epic, Chapter 5 2,00%
Blueprint: Tower of Insolence, 6th Floor 2,00%
Blueprint: Tower of Insolence, 7th Floor 2,00%
Imperial Genealogy 1 1,60%
Imperial Genealogy 2 11,20%
Imperial Genealogy 5 2,00%
Revelation of the Seals: Chapter of Avarice 1,80%
Revelation of the Seals: Chapter of Awakening 8,00%
Revelation of the Seals: Chapter of Calamity 8,00%
Revelation of the Seals: Chapter of Descent 2,00%
Revelation of the Seals: Chapter of Gnosis 11,40%
Revelation of the Seals: Chapter of Strife 11,20%
Revelation of the Seals: Chapter of Vengeance 8,00%
Ancient Blue Papyrus
Ancient Epic, Chapter 1 6,60%
Ancient Epic, Chapter 2 10,50%
Ancient Epic, Chapter 3 3,60%
Ancient Epic, Chapter 4 3,60%
Ancient Epic, Chapter 5 4,00%
Blueprint: Tower of Insolence, 6th Floor 4,00%
Blueprint: Tower of Insolence, 7th Floor 4,00%
Imperial Genealogy 1 6,60%
Imperial Genealogy 2 10,50%
Imperial Genealogy 5 4,00%
Revelation of the Seals: Chapter of Avarice 6,80%
Revelation of the Seals: Chapter of Awakening 3,60%
Revelation of the Seals: Chapter of Calamity 3,60%
Revelation of the Seals: Chapter of Descent 4,00%
Revelation of the Seals: Chapter of Gnosis 10,50%
Revelation of the Seals: Chapter of Strife 10,50%
Revelation of the Seals: Chapter of Vengeance 3,60%
Ancient Black Papyrus
Ancient Chain Letter 1,60%
Ancient Joke Book 1,60%
Blueprint: Tower of Insolence, 1th Floor 14,34%
Blueprint: Tower of Insolence, 2th Floor 14,33%
Blueprint: Tower of Insolence, 3th Floor 10,25%
Blueprint: Tower of Insolence, 4th Floor 10,25%
Blueprint: Tower of Insolence, 5th Floor 1,60%
Blueprint: Tower of Insolence, 8th Floor 14,33%
Blueprint: Tower of Insolence, 9th Floor 10,25%
Blueprint: Tower of Insolence, 10th Floor 10,25%
Blueprint: Tower of Insolence, 11th Floor 1,60%
Blueprint: Tower of Insolence, 12th Floor 1,60%
Blueprint: Tower of Insolence, 13th Floor 1,60%
Imperial Genealogy 3 1,60%
Imperial Genealogy 4 1,60%
Musical Score Theme of Battle 1,60%
Musical Score Theme of Love 1,60%
Ancient White Papyrus
Ancient Chain Letter 3,00%
Ancient Joke Book 3,00%
Blueprint: Tower of Insolence, 13th Floor 3,00%
Blueprint: Tower of Insolence, 1th Floor 21,60%
Blueprint: Tower of Insolence, 2th Floor 21,60%
Blueprint: Tower of Insolence, 3th Floor 2,50%
Blueprint: Tower of Insolence, 4th Floor 2,50%
Blueprint: Tower of Insolence, 5th Floor 2,00%
Blueprint: Tower of Insolence, 8th Floor 21,60%
Blueprint: Tower of Insolence, 9th Floor 2,60%
Blueprint: Tower of Insolence, 10th Floor 2,60%
Blueprint: Tower of Insolence, 11th Floor 2,00%
Blueprint: Tower of Insolence, 12th Floor 2,00%
Imperial Genealogy 3 2,00%
Imperial Genealogy 4 2,00%
Musical Score Theme of Battle 3,00%
Musical Score Theme of Love 3,00%
Добавлено (2007-11-21, 8:12 Pm)
Warhouse Keeper Walderal производин обмен Блупринтов таким образом:
Sealed Dark Crystal
10% - Sealed Dark Crystal Boots Lining
10% - Sealed Dark Crystal Gloves Design
10% - Sealed Dark Crystal Helmet Design
10% - Sealed Dark Crystal Boots Lining, Sealed Dark Crystal Gloves Design, Sealed Dark Crystal Helmet Design
11% - Recipe: Sealed Dark Crystal Boots(60%)
11% - Recipe: Sealed Dark Crystal Gloves(60%)
17% - Recipe: Sealed Dark Crystal Helmet(60%)
21% - Recipe: Sealed Dark Crystal Boots(60%), Recipe: Sealed Dark Crystal Gloves(60%), Recipe: Sealed Dark Crystal Helmet(60%)
Sealed Nightmare
17% - Sealed Boots of Nightmare Lining
17% - Sealed Gloves of Nightmare Design
15% - Sealed Helm of Nightmare Design
9% - Sealed Boots of Nightmare Lining, Sealed Gloves of Nightmare Design, Sealed Helm of Nightmare Design
12% - Recipe: Sealed Boots of Nightmare(60%)
12% - Recipe: Sealed Gloves of Nightmare(60%)
10% - Recipe: Sealed Helm of Nightmare(60%)
8% - Recipe: Sealed Boots of Nightmare(60%), Recipe: Sealed Gloves of Nightmare(60%), Recipe: Sealed Helm of Nightmare(60%)
Sealed Tallum
10% - Sealed Tallum Boots Lining
10% - Sealed Tallum Gloves Design
10% - Sealed Tallum Helm Design
10% - Sealed Tallum Boots Lining, Sealed Tallum Gloves Design, Sealed Tallum Helm Design
11% - Recipe: Sealed Tallum Boots(60%)
11% - Recipe: Sealed Tallum Gloves(60%)
17% - Recipe: Sealed Tallum Helmet(60%)
21% - Recipe: Sealed Tallum Boots(60%), Recipe: Sealed Tallum Gloves(60%), Recipe: Sealed Tallum Helmet(60%)
Sealed Majestic
17% - Sealed Majestic Boots Lining
17% - Sealed Majestic Gloves Design
15% - Sealed Majestic Circlet Design
9% - Sealed Majestic Boots Lining, Sealed Majestic Gloves Design, Sealed Majestic Circlet Design
12% - Recipe: Sealed Majestic Boots(60%)
12% - Recipe: Sealed Majestic Gloves(60%)
10% - Recipe: Sealed Majestic Circlet(60%)
8% - Recipe: Sealed Majestic Boots(60%), Recipe: Sealed Majestic Gloves(60%), Recipe: Sealed Majestic Circlet(60%)